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Monday, June 25, 2012


Rob and I are on vacation ALL week and it feels amazing! This is the first time in a long time that we are both off (at the same time for a full week) and have NO real plans! We don't have anything we have to do or anywhere we have to be. We can do whatever we want! Our daycare is on vacation this week, so we both decided to take advantage and take off to spend time with Leah before her little brother arrives! It will be the week of Leah!

To start off the week, I reached out to my friends that are home and we planned a play date for the kids. We originally were going to go to Cypress Cove in Woodridge for 'tot time' but when the weather didn't fully cooperate (only low 70's), we ended up going with Plan B - hanging out in Jaime's backyard. It was perfect. We had planned on a morning play date and met at Jaime's house at 8:30 am. It was me and Leah, Jaime and Jack, Danielle and her 3 little ones, Patti and her boys and Jenny and her boys (and a little girl she babysits). Danielle picked up some munchkins and I stopped and got some yogurt parfaits from McDonald's. There was also fruit and other goodies for the kids. The kids snacked on their food and ran around the backyard for awhile. It was great to catch up with my girlfriends too! I never get to do any play dates since I am usually at work! We were only able to stay until 10:15 am because I had my 34 week doctor's appointment that morning too. Before we left, Jaime tried to get a picture of all of the kids together! Leah is pretty much hiding behind the tree!
After our play date, we zipped over to my doctor's office in Downers Grove. Since Rob was home too, we planned for him to meet us there too! The appointment itself was pretty uneventful. I am still measuring a week ahead of schedule (at 35 weeks). His heartbeat is strong and everything is looking good. The doctor did comment on how swollen my feet and ankles are and told me I should stay off my feet as much as I can. My blood pressure is also starting to creep up. I had this problem when I was pregnant with Leah. During the last few weeks, it was getting as high as 180/83 and sometimes even higher. I even had to be put on BP medicine. They thought I might have preeclampsia, but all of the urine tests I had to do came back negative. So - this go around, my doctor just wants me to keep an eye on it and see how I do. Mason is still super active in my belly! I go back to the doctor in 2 weeks and then will start my weekly appointments. Only 5 weeks to go and then he'll be here.

After the appointment, we went to Cheeseburger in Paradise for lunch and made a stop at Buy Buy Baby. We came home and relaxed for a bit. I started packing our things because we are heading to Lake Geneva tomorrow (just for one night)!

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