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Saturday, June 2, 2012

Leah went Camping (Sort of)

Now that the kids are all finished with school, my daycare has established weekly 'themes' for the summer. This week, the theme was 'camping.' Leah loved the whole concept. They put up a tent in the basement, made a pretend camp fire and setup chairs around it. On Friday, Melissa told the kids to come in their pajamas and bring a sleeping bags becasue they were going camping. Leah was SO excited about this and wouldn't stopped telling us she was going camping. She must have told me 5 times before we left the house yesterday what she was going to do that day. She also told me, "Mom, my daddy is going to take me camping one day too." Leah didn't have a sleeping bag, so she had to borrow one. I checked in during the day and Melissa said Leah was having so much fun! I love that she does this kind of stuff with the kids.

When I got home from work, Leah told me all about her day. She kept referring to the sleeping bag she got to lay in and kept bringing it up. We decided to take her to Target to get her a sleeping bag since she really seemed to want one of her own. Target had a disappointing selection, but we were able to find a Disney Princess sleeping bag that she seemed to like. As soon as we got home, she wanted to open it up. She layed on the floor in her sleeping bag watching TV for over an hour. She watched an episode of Bubble Guppies and the it happened to be about camping! She then moved to the couch and insisted that the sleeping bag come with her. When it was time for bed, she wanted to put it in her bed with her too. She slept peacefully in it all night. If I knew a sleeping bag would make her this happy, we would have spent the $17.99 weeks ago!

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