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Tuesday, May 14, 2013

10 Months of Mason

This past month sure did fly by and I feel like I just wrote Mason's 9 month post! It's been pretty busy around here and I haven't been able to blog too much lately. Before I get to Mason, I thought I would share with everyone that I recently passed my first test for the certification I've been studying for over the past 12 weeks. One test down, seven more to go. Ayyee. It was such a good feeling and relief to get one of the tests under my belt (since it consumed my life for the past few months). I decided I am going to take the summer off and start up with another class in the fall. Anyways - back to my sweet little man Mason. He is 10 months old today. 10 months! How did this happen? His first birthday party plans are in full swing! I already know I am overdoing it, but you only turn one once, right? Thanks to Pinterest - my farm themed party is coming together nicely! After this first birthday party, I'll definitely calm things down for future parties.

Mason is a smart little boy and has learned a lot over the past month. He has started clapping his hands and does it on que when you ask him to do it. Mason has learned to drink through a straw. He is starting to wave 'hi.' He is still not officially crawling but has the army crawl down. He'll roll himself to wherever he needs to go and the scoot to reach whatever he needs. Over the past week he is getting up on all fours and looks like he is going to lunge forward into a crawl, but he just topples over. He'll be there soon. He has learned to move himself from a laying down position to a sitting up position. He knows when he is in trouble too (for getting into something that he shouldn't). If I just say his name in a stern voice, he'll jump and look at me.

The weather has been so up and down and its been hard to dress this little man. His winter clothes are getting too tight, but it's only been about 50 degrees lately. This week is supposed to be in the 80's. Go figure. Mason is wearing 12-18 month size and still remains in a size 4 diaper. We went and bought him new shoes a few weeks ago. He doesn't go back to the doctor until he turns one, but I think he weighs somewhere around 23 pounds. Wow-za! This kid eats like a champ and hasn't met a food that he doesn't like. Actually, I take that back. He did try scrambled eggs and clearly didn't like them. Everything else is a 'go' though. He's tried many more foods this month and seems to be content with whatever we give him. Now - if we could just get his sister to get onboard this train. Mason usually only has about 3 bottles a day. I am starting to think we are going to have a hard time breaking him of these. He NEEDS his morning bottle or he is a crabby patty until he gets it. The other two may be easier to break. Mason is still a good sleeper and seems to be doing better with his 'screaming' and not having as many episodes. He did have 3 teeth pop through within 2 days so maybe that explains why he was so cranky. Now, Mason is usually pretty content and can entertain himself. This widdle guy is just so sweet and he needs to stop getting so big!

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mother's Day 2013

Happy Mother's Day to all of the Momma's out there! I am blessed to have two little munchkins that call me mom. I have unconditional love for them and my heart feels like it is going to burst because I love them to pieces. I want nothing but the best for them. Although at times they may drive me crazy, I could never imagine my life without my little Leah and Mason. They make my job as a mom SO worth it! 

Today, my family made me feel like a queen. Rob told me I could sleep in and he would take care of the morning routine. Go figure, I was the first one up in the house! Leah and Rob brought me breakfast in bed - chocolate chip pancakes, a banana and a diet coke. They let me lay in bad and not worry about anything! They showered me with gifts! I got new perfume, a cute top and a pair of sandals. Rob did all of the grocery shopping to (usually I always do it on Sunday mornings). It was nice to just relax. We went to lunch with my dad. We just went to a local bar and grill. This momma didn't need anything fancy. They had complimentary mimosas for Mom's. Lunch was great! 

Later, we came home and Rob was going to take care of the yard work. While he was mowing the lawn, I decided to go visit my mom with Mason. The cemetery was quite crowded. Its been just over two years since my mom's been gone and I still think about her everyday. I wish she could be here with my kids. I miss her so much but I know she's watching over us. Later on in the afternoon we stopped over by Rob's mom's house to wish her a happy Mother's Day.

Overall, it was a great day and I love my family so much!