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Friday, August 21, 2015

Mason started Tae Kwon Do

Little man started Tae Kwon Do a few weeks ago and I must say, I think this is his calling. For months, Mason has been talking about karate and asking us to sign him up. One day on a whim, we stopped at the Tae Kwon Do studio near Leah's gymnastics place. We just wanted to check things out, but the next thing you know, we are walking out with a new tae kwon do outfit and a commitment to take Mason two times a week. Oh boy! They tried talking us in to doing Family Tae Kwon Do. Uhhh.....no thank you.

Well three weeks in and so far so good. Mason is absolutely LOVING it. I am completely surprised at how well he is doing. He listens, he stays focused and he is actually pretty good at the moves. Mason definitely takes class seriously (and I have a hard time not to crack up because it is so dang cute). He has to yell "YES SIR," and say "HI YA" when he does his punches and he does it with the utmost seriousness. I love it!

Right now, Mason is a 'white belt' but has gotten so many compliments from the sensei. They even brought Mason up in from the of the class to demonstrate and my little guy nailed it! If he keeps up the good work, he'll be able to test for the next belt next month. I am proud of my Mase! For now, we are going to stick with it!

 Mase in action
 Meditation Time

The sensei is holding Mason!