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Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Leah started 4 year old Preschool

The summer went by fast and it is already time for school again! This year Leah is heading to 4 year old preschool! She's attending the same preschool she went to last year and even has the same two teachers - Miss Julee and Miss Deb in the red room! With the transition to 4 year old class, she will now be going 3 days a week. I am fortunate that I still have a car-pool ride for Leah that is willing to help get me get her there (a huge thank you to Kelly).

On the first day of school, it was also the parent orientation. We already knew her teachers so it was an easy afternoon. Leah's classroom is extra small this year. There are only 6 kids total (with only one other girl). I'll definitely appreciate the one-on-one time she'll receive, but I wish there were a few more kids for her social skills. Regardless, I know she is going to have a great year!!!

 First day of school!
 All ready to head in
 A new bag to decorate this year
 Leah and her best bud Laney Jo.
 Outside of school