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Thursday, March 15, 2012

Update on my Dad / My Sick Little Leah

Well, my dad is still in the hospital. I stopped there this morning before going into work and they said he was not going to be released today, but it looks like he "might" get to go home tomorrow. The doctors confirmed (yesterday) that he has the flu and his body just couldn't fight it. I had to wear a gown and a mask when I went to go see him. He has been receiving antibiotics and steroid shots in his stomach (ouch) to help him. He is still weak (although is doing much better than when he arrived on Monday). He has been working with a physical therapist that has got him up and moving around. The doctor did say he is lucky that he went to the ER when he did because his White Blood Cell counts were dangerously low. A normal person's White Blood Cell Count is around 6,000 and when my Dad went to the ER, his were just around 500 - very dangerous. They will not release him from the hospital until his WBC's are up somewhere around 2500. As of this morning, there were up, but still not where they need to be, but thought they may be high enough tomorrow to go home. He has continued to receive radiation treatment while staying in the hospital (no chemo). So – at this point we are still taking it day by day.

On top of that, daycare called me yesterday afternoon and told me that Leah was acting off – very sluggish and crying on and off all day. She was still not acting like herself last night and by 8:00 pm she spiked a 103 temperature. I had dinner plans with the girls yesterday and Rob kept texting me saying Leah was crying for her momma and asked if I could hurry home.  We gave her Tylenol and it brought her fever down slightly to 100. This morning when she woke up, she still had a fever of 102.8. Rob stayed home with her today and has kept an eye on her temperature. He said she was acting goofy/silly one minute and then relaxing on the couch the next minute. I am hoping this is a non-issue for tomorrow, but if her fever doesn’t totally break, I don’t have any options but to stay home with her. When I got home from work she was in a pretty good mood and she wasn't warm anymore like she was. I gave her a cool bath so I am sure that helped. She is now happily eating yogurt at her table. We'll see how she does tonight and and she is feeling in the morning. She couldn’t have gotten sick at a worse time!!

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