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Sunday, March 11, 2012

19 Weeks Prego and a Busy Weekend!

Well we are almost half way there! I hit my 19th week this weekend. I am finally feeling much better! It seems like this pregnancy is going much faster - probably because I have Leah to chase around and life is just busy! We have our ultrasound appointment next week (on the 21st) and hope to find out if baby bean is a boy or girl. We are also hoping to schedule the c-section at this appointment too. I really don't have one inclination one way or another (of baby beans gender). I have had a few dreams the baby was a girl (no boy dreams yet). When I was pregnant with Leah I had 5 girl dreams (and no boy dreams) and sure enough she was a girl. I've looked at a few Chinese Calendars and some have said "girl" and two have said "boy." I downloaded this silly app on my phone and it is showing "girl." I guess we'll have to wait and see!

When I was pregnant with Leah, I was a sweets MACHINE. I was always craving something sweet - it got so bad that I was putting peanut butter on my waffles and would devour an entire coffee cake in a matter of days. This go-around I've had a taste for sweets, but am not craving them like I did before. I actually haven't had any cravings besides cheese whiz or Doritos or salads. I haven't had the heart burn that I did with Leah (although I can't remember exactly when that set in before, so maybe that is still to come). I also got really bad bloody noses when I was prego with her, this time I've only had a few. I do know that my belly is much bigger this time and I am showing way more now at 19 weeks than I did with Leah.
Me at 19 weeks now - yikes!
19 weeks while pregnant with Leah in 2009

Based on the pictures - does anyone want to take any guesses on Baby Held? We'll be sure to share our news once we find out. My wonderfully thoughtful husband surprised me with an early "push present" (even though I won't be pushing with the c-section). He gave me a new Coach Diaper bag. I love it!

This weekend was busy! On Saturday, we had two back-to-back birthday parties. First up was Carter's "karate themed" 6th birthday party. His party was at a pizza restuarant that also had a game room for the kids to play. Leah had a great time running around with all of the kids. We had pizza and pasta for lunch and yummy cake for dessert!  
Gavyn and Leah
Leah not wanting to pose for a picture with the birthday boy. Happy Birthday Carter!
Before we knew it, it was time to scoot off to the next birthday party for my niece Annabelle. Annabelle's birthday is not until April 4th but my sister-in-law is due within the next two weeks and decided to have her party early. They too were doing pizza so we it twice in one day! She had an Elmo themed party and Leah loves seeing her cousin. Last week when we were out to lunch she asked if we could go see Annabelle. I told her we would the following weekend and she said, "But Mom, I want to see her SO bad." Leah was going on no nap when we got to the party and I had a feeling a meltdown was in her future. Luckily we got through the whole party with no incident. Annabelle had her other cousins at the party too, so all of the kids ran around and had good time! We left around around 7:00. It was a long day, but we had so much fun celebrating Carter and Annabelle's birthdays!
We were wiped out when we got home and everyone went to bed early. Today, we had so much running around to do. Changing the clocks an hour ahead really threw us off in the morning! Since it was so beautiful outside, we decided that we would start our errands/day at the Outlet Mall in Aurora. Leah needed shoes. Striderite was having a sale so we picked up two cute pairs of shoes for her. We also got her a pair of crocs from the Crocs store. She lucked out too and got some clothes too! We had a few other stores to stop at before we decided to grab some lunch at Lime Stone Brewery. We were hoping to make it to the St. Patrick's Day parade in downtown Plainfield but we had too much running around to do. After lunch we had to go grocery shopping too. We got home around 3:30 and it was still gorgeous outside, so we deided to take Leah to the park to have some fun. She ran around for a bit and loved being outside. We brought some bread and fed the duckies. When we got home we brought her new scooter outside and let her try it out. For Christmas, Leah also got a t-ball set so we played with that too in the front yard. I hope this weather continues! Based on the forecast, we are in for a good week! I hate this time change - it is already almost 7:00 pm! Agh!! Well I hope everyone had a great weekend!!

1 comment:

  1. You look soo cute! Thanks for keeping all your friends in the loop! P.S. I think you are having a BOY! :)
    Hope to see you soon,
