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Friday, May 27, 2011

Small Victories

Leah had her 15 month checkup on Wednesday. 15 months – she is getting so big. She is not my little baby anymore. Leah weighed in at 23.6 lbs, which placed her in the 57th percentile for weight and she is 32 inches tall, in the 89th percentile. She had to get 3 shots and was not a happy camper. She calmed down pretty quickly. She doesn't like the doctor's office in general. She doesn't like when the doctor has to listen to her heart or check her ears. She cries. I have to take her back to the doctor because they are going to do some blood work on her to test her for allergies. I think she may be allergic to peanuts and milk. I’ve given her peanut butter on a few occasions and each time she has broken out on her face so I stopped giving it to her. When Leah was first born, the doctor had a suspicion she may be lactose intolerant. She wouldn’t keep regular formula down so they switched her to soy. She has been on soy ever since. We’ve attempted to give her milk, but she wants no part of it. We’ve tried skim milk, Vitamin D milk, and soy milk. She won’t drink it.  We’ve given her cheese and yogurt and she eats it right up. So at least the tests will tell us for sure if she is allergic to either of them. She also has a mild case of eczema. I need to get her some new bath wash soap and new lotion. Otherwise, she is all good.

Well, I’m down 4 pounds! I’ve been eating much better. I've been skipping my daily cookie at lunch and have eliminated the random snacking. We’ve started going on walks every night after dinner and I am slowly trying to get back into the gym routine. Rob and I have not gone out to eat in 12 days! This is a record for us, considering we use to go 2-3 times a week. I hope I can keep this up. My goal is to lose at least 20 lbs.

Last night I did the Chase Corporate Challenge (which is a 5K in the city). My company sponsors it every year and it is probably the 5th time I have participated. It reminded me how out of shape I am. I am super sore today. I haven’t done a 5K in two years. The weather was horrible and it was freezing cold. Although I didn’t “run” the entire route, we did have a good walk/jog rhythm. My boss Randy and coworker Ashley kept me going. I probably would have walked much more than I did, but they stuck with me. I’m sure they could have run the whole thing. Overall, we probably ran at least 2 of the miles. After the race, we had a tent with tons of food and drinks. I managed to stay away from the cheeseburgers and desserts and settled on a chicken breast and salad. I did treat myself to a few beers….after all, I did just do 3.5 miles.  My real “cheat’ day will have to be on Sunday, Rob and I are going to the Cubs game. You can’t go to the Cub’s game without enjoying a hotdog and a few beers!

On a sadder note, during the Chase Corporate Challenge, we just passed the 3 mile marker and saw a man lying on the ground with a few people around him. He was receiving medical attention and they were performing pretty intense CPR on him. It was a pretty scary sight. I read an article online today that he died. It made me feel awful. Did he have a wife? Children? He probably went to work that day and carried on as normal having no idea it would be his last day alive. It is just another reminder that life is too short.....

1 comment:

  1. Very nice blog Lori, so happy to hear Leah is doing well and getting bigger, I hope the test comes back that she is not allergic to dairy, being a person having that allergy myself I can definitely say its no fun! Also both my boys have eczema and anything with fragrance in it really irritates their skin, we've found that aveenos body wash and lotion works best, they even have an eczema line of products. Try those and see how they work. Anyway, keep on blogging...congrats on your run.
