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Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Here we go!!

I created this blog site several months ago but never added a single post! I just never got around to it. I already follow so many blogs and wondered how I would have time to keep up my own! I am a busy full time working mom and wife and sometimes it is a struggle to juggle it all! However, after talking to my girlfriend Patti yesterday, she inspired me to get blogging! I am new to this so it may take me awhile to figure out how to make my site look better, add pictures, change fonts, etc. Those of you that are old pro-bloggers, your advice will be welcomed and I may reach out to you for help! Which BTW - when I was looking for a family picture to post, I realized we don't have one single "good" family picture. I'll need to work on that! It is a personal goal to try to update my blog a couple times a week (for sure at least once a week). Life seems to go so fast and days tend to fly by but I really hope this gives me an opportunity to share what is new with my family and just life in general. Leah, our sweet one year old daughter brings so much happiness to us and we love to share her accomplishments and all of the funny things she does.  Please check in from time to time to follow up on The Held Family Happenings!


1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging! You will be so happy you did. I love your blog! I will check in all the time! Have to keep up with all of Jack's girlfriends! I'm happy to be your first official follower! LOL!!!
