On Thursday, Leah had her very first holiday program at school. I was so excited for her and couldn't wait to see her. I took the day off because the program was at 1:30 pm in the afternoon. For the weeks leading up to it, her classroom would practice their songs. She would sing them at home too. On the day of the program, we arrived a little early. It was being held at the church across the street from her school. It was a little hectic, but luckily I was able to get a seat near the front. Leah met her class in a different room and at 1:30 pm, the kids all walked out to the main area and took their place on the stage. It was so cute. There were 3 classrooms performing. Some of the songs they would all sing together and others they would sing with just their class. They sang "Santa Claus is Coming to Town, Twinkle Twinkle Christmas Star and We Wish You a Merry Christmas." I know all mom's feel this way, but I was so proud of my little angel. She did a great job. It made so happy! After the 'performance,' we walked back to the preschool because they were hosting a potluck social gathering. We stopped by and had some food. It was a nice little afternoon!

All ready for her big performance
On the way there....she just melts my heart!
Leah and one of her friends
Leah and Laney Jo
Leah with her class
Your daughter is adorable! I can tell from her face that she really enjoyed the event.