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Thursday, December 26, 2013

Christmas Eve

This year, we were hosting Christmas Eve for my family at our house. In years past, it has usually just been us, my dad and my brother's family. This year, I was so excited that my cousin Kevin and his wife Dianna (who live in Michigan), my Aunt and Uncle, cousin Michelle and her family were all able to join us too! We used to always all spend Christmas together, but as we've gotten older and expanded our families, it has been more difficult to do. It was great to have everyone here! I planned to keep the meal more on the casual side. I wanted to it be pretty simple. I made Italian Beef and shredded BBQ chicken for sandwiches, mostacolli, salad, mashed potatoes and a few other sides. Everything turned out good! It was a great afternoon and I loved spending time with my family. Like always, it went by so quick!
 Me and my sweet girl
 Brother and sister love!
 Such a cheese ball!
 Me and my dad
 Leah loved her Hello Kitty alarm clock!
 My cousin and her family - Jim, Michelle, Liberty and Kenadie
 Papa, Mase and Leah
 She was SOOO excited for this movie. We've already watched it 5 times!
 KZ and JZ
 Kevin and Mase Man
 Baby Alyssa, Grandpa and A-Belle
 Jeff and Sarah
 Kevin and Dianna
 Aunt Diane and Uncle Jim
Rob and Masers

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