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Friday, December 27, 2013

Christmas Day 2013

After everyone left on Christmas Eve, I put the kids in their Christmas jammies. We put in a movie and relaxed for the night. I was hoping the kids would go to bed early because I was tired myself! Around 8:00 pm, we started to get the milk and cookies ready to leave out for Santa.
 Ready for Santa to come!
 Milk and cookies are all ready to go!
 Mason is excited for Christmas!
They sure do love each other!

Luckily, everyone went to bed pretty easy. On Christmas morning, Leah did wake up much earlier than usual (around 6:30 am). She claimed that she didn't sleep all night and was listening for Santa, but never heard him. She wasn't feeling too confident that he came. We went and got Mason out of bed and went downstairs to see if he had come. 
Santa CAME!!!!

Leah was super excited and noticed right away that Santa brought her a 'big' bike! A 'big' bike was at the top of her list! Her eyes then wandered over to her new art desk!! She loved it. Leah likes everything arts and crafts. Her new desk came with markers, crayons, colored pencils, paint, stamps and lots of paper.  She was in heaven!
 A big bike.....YES!
Her cool new art desk!

Leah ripped through her presents and was over the top excited about everything she opened. It made me so happy seeing how happy she was. She would take a few breaks and help Mason open his presents. Mason didn't really have any interest in opening the presents. He was more interested in eating the leftover cookies that Santa didn't finish eating!
 Sneaking a cookie!
 Those look yummy!

 Still has his cookies!
 Such a happy guy! :)
 Mase got a big wheel and bouncing tigger!
And a Batman car!
Merry Christmas Everyone! Ha!

We stayed in our PJ's almost the entire day. We didn't have any plans until the late afternoon. Leah and Mason had a great time playing with all of their new toys. Mom was able to sneak in a little nap too! We snacked on leftovers for lunch and were pretty lazy. Finally, later on we all got up and got ourselves ready. We were heading over to Rob's sister Amy's house for dessert. There we spent time with his Mom, Grandma and a few of his siblings and their kids. It was nice to see everyone. 
 Me and little man!
Rumchatta Shots!

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