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Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Two and a Half Weeks

I can't believe little man Mason is already two and a half weeks old. And to think, Monday was supposed to be the day he was born (if everything went according to plan with my scheduled C-section). I am glad that we got to meet him sooner than later. I am thankful everything was okay even though he was born 3 weeks early! He has been such a blessing to our family. Leah has definitely come around and you can tell how much she loves her little brother. It melts my heart. She always gives him kisses and is very protective of him.

I took Mason to the doctor for a follow-up appointment on Monday. The doctor wanted to check his weight to make sure he was gaining. Our little champ put on 10 ounces since his last doctor's appointment. He weighed in at 7 lbs 7 ounces (he was 6 lbs 13 ounces) at his last appointment. The doctor was pleased and we don't need to go back until his 2 month check-up.

Mason is eating just about every 3 hours and is taking 3 ounces at each feeding. He is pretty laid back (most of the time), but is waking up about 3 times during the night. I am one tired momma. Usually, he will eat and go right back to bed (which I am thankful for), but there are other times he is wide awake and wants no part of going back to sleep. As I mentioned before, Leah was fully sleeping through the night at 3 weeks old. I told Mason he only has a couple of days to get his act together to keep up with his big sister. I know I was really lucky with her, but I am hoping he follows suit soon! If I can get him to do 4-5 hour stretches, I would be happy. (Right now he is like clockwork - every 3 hours). He has no problem getting his zzz's in during the day. This kid poops more than any baby I know. I am constantly changing dirty diapers.

I am definitely enjoying my time home with him!

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