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Monday, July 23, 2012

Third time is a charm

After Mason was born, he took the hearing screening in the hospital. The first time he took it, he passed in one ear and failed in the other. They re-did the test the next day and he failed in both ears. Rob and I were both pretty upset by this news, not quite knowing what it would mean for little Mason. Rob always thinks 'worse case scenario,' where I am always more on the optimistic side. They scheduled us an appointment to come back and re-do the test for a third time. We were both pretty anxious on the way to the hospital this morning. Once we arrived, they hooked up all of the little sensors to Mason's head and started the test. After about ten minutes the test finished up and he passed!! We were so relieved! The technician again told us that some babies fail the test when there are no issues at all. Sometimes c-section babies don't pass because there is too much fluid in their ears right after birth. We were pretty certain that Mason could hear because he has been responsive to noises at home. Overall, we were happy that he passed, even if it was on the third attempt.

Before heading to the hospital this morning, we dropped Leah off at daycare. We left a little early so we could have some time to bring Mason in too so the kids could meet him. It was sweet, they were all excited to see him and were so good with him. Leah did not want to go to daycare today and told us so the whole way there. She said she wanted to stay with Mom and Dad. We are going to continue to send her to school at least 3 times a week so we can keep her in a routine and give me time with Mason. Plus, once she is there she has so much fun with her friends. Luckily, she was fine shortly after we left. She brought treats for all of her friends at school to celebrate the arrival of her little brother!

After Mason's appointment, we ran over to the mall (since it is practically right next door to the hospital). I needed to pick up a few things. It was Mason's first trip to the mall. I stopped in Carson's and they had all of their summer baby clothes on clearance with an extra 60% off. Mason made out and got several new outfits today. I didn't think he was going to be so small when he was born, so I didn't buy a ton of 'newborn' size clothes for him.

Later in the afternoon we had Mason's first check up appointment at his pediatrician's office. He had to get his first shot. Boo. He weighed in at 6 lbs 13 ounces (this was his weight when we went home from the hospital). The doctor wants to see him back in a week to see if he has gained any weight. Mason's umbilical cord was loosely hanging so the doctor just pulled it out (which caught me by surprise)! Other than that, his appointment was pretty uneventful. Mason has had a busy day and is now relaxing in his swing!

My kids - Sushi, Mason and Leah!

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