Leah has the biggest personality in a tiny little body. She is so funny and I have to smile at some of the things that come out of her mouth. She is so smart and just downright silly sometimes. Over the past couple of weeks I started jotting down some of the things she has said or done that made me laugh. Days fly by and I often forget what I had to eat that day, so I wanted to make sure I remember these little nuggets that I refer to as “Leah-isms.” Some of these things might not seem funny to others, but in the moment we sure thought she was amusing. I thought capturing it in my blog would be good place for me (and her) to look back on it and have a chuckle. She says/does funny things on a daily basis, but here are some of the ones I remember or that stick out. I hope to update my blog every few weeks/months with her new Leah-isms.
- Leah is so smart and has the i-Pad completely figured out. At times, I don’t even know what I am doing with it. She knows where all of “her” apps are and knows how they work. I took this picture over the weekend and thought it was classic. Father like daughter! This is what our household looks like almost every night. Dad on the chair and Leah on the couch playing with their i-Pads.
- A few weeks ago we were getting situated in the car getting ready to go somewhere. Leah was being a handful. Rob yelled, “Dude – chill out!” She responded back by saying, “I am not a dude. You are a dude.” Rob said, “I am not a dude, I am your daddy.” Leah: “No, you are Rob.”
- When we went shopping for Leah’s big girl bedroom set, she had her eyes set on this “Princess Loft Bed with a Slide” (not so practical). She kept climbing on it, laying in the bed and going down the slide. She said, “Mom, I NEED this. I will be a princess if I have it.”
On a seperate occassion, we were shopping at a furniture store that had balloons all scattered throughout their store to promote their sale items. Leah loved the balloons and started talking to Rob about them. She said, "You like the balloons, honey? I can get you one." It was so darn cute the way she said it!
- Right after Leah turned 2, I was getting her dressed in the morning and we had an interesting conversation. Leah: Mom, SHHH – be quiet. Me: What? Why? Leah: Don’t talk. I hear him. Me: You hear who honey? Leah: Him. Me: Who? Leah: Mickey….Mickey Mouse. I hear him. Me: What do you mean? Leah: SHHHHHH!!!!
- Leah LOVES herself some macaroni and cheese. Whenever we have it for dinner. She runs around the house singing “Macaroni, Macaroni, Macaroni, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah.” One day I asked her what she wanted for dinner and she answered, “Macaroni and Coconuts.” I said, you mean “Macaroni and Cheese?” She yelled…..NO MOM, macaroni and coconuts!
Leah was eating a pita chip and hummus (which she loves). She then started spitting it out all over the floor. I yelled. “Leah, what are you doing?!?!?!” She then said, “Sorry Mom. I was choking.” She clearly was not choking and was just trying to cover up that she spit all over the floor.
- Leah can be very dramatic over little things, especially bugs!! She does not like bugs. (She does like butterflies though). She gets so freaked out by them, she will take off running the other way. There were “bugs” by Rob’s car one day and she refused to get inside his car because they were “scary.” Then for the next two weeks, she would cry when we were close to the car and yell, “Go away buggies. Stay away from me!” She would always insist we take “mommy’s car.” Finally, Rob washed his car and assured her that there were no more bugs. I know this is awful to say, but sometimes to get Leah out of the bathtub quickly, I will tell her there are buggies in the water. (Otherwise, this little girl could hang out in the bathtub for hours….even when there is no water in it).

- Last night I let Leah sleep in my bed with me. (Rob slept in the other room because he claims I snore when I am pregnant!) I was exhausted and fell asleep. I thought Leah had fallen asleep too. The next thing I know, I felt someone jump on top of me. It startled me and I woke up. Little Leah was staring at me in the eye and said, “Oh mom, you are up!” I told her to go back to bed and she said she just wanted to tell me she loved me. What a sweet, sweet girl!
- My favorite is that she always tells Rob that “Mom is the BOSS!” Ha! She'll often try to put him in time-out. Leah has landed herself in time-out a handful of times. She genuinely gets so sad when she is there, but she will sit there and won't get up until we tell her it is time to get up. I hope it really sinks in when she is being bad so she knows the difference between right and wrong.
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