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Sunday, February 26, 2012

I think the germs are gone!

Germs have flown around our household this past week. It started with Rob. He was feeling nauseous, stuffy, sore throat, achy, feverish and had a horrible headache last Friday. It was so bad, he was down for the count all day (before Leah’s party) and stayed in bed the entire day. He felt a little better the next day but it lingered around for the next few days. Tuesday morning, Leah woke up coughing and crying at 4:00 am. She was super clingy and would not let me put her down (and she remained this way until almost 8:00 am). She kept saying her throat and mouth hurt. I decided I needed to stay home with her. As soon as her doctor’s office opened up, I called to make her an appointment. She was miserable all morning, but then around 8:00 am, it was like she flipped a switch. She started acting like her silly self again, dancing around playing. She was still coughing and congested though.

I was able to get her in at 10:00 am for an appointment. She was also due for her 2 year old check-up too, so we were able to make this a duel-purpose appointment. The doctor checked her throat and she did not have strep (which is what I was worried about). She said she had a really bad cold which was causing fluids to drain in her throat (which made it hurt). She also confirmed that Leah had an ear infection. Leah also got weighed, measured and received a shot for her two year old check-up. Leah weighed in at 27 pounds and is 36 inches tall! The doctor wrote her a prescription and we were on our way. We got her RX filled at Target and then came home so she could relax.

That afternoon, I started not to feel so hot. My throat started to hurt and my nose was runny/stuffy. It wasn’t bad so I carried on as usual. I could tell Leah was starting to feel better. She watched several episodes of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, took a good nap and seemed to be getting back to normal. Leah is the only two year old that I know that loves to take her medicine. She is on amoxicillin for the ear infection and she needs to take it 2X’s a day. When I tell her it is time to take her medicine, she gets so excited and starts dancing and sings “Medicine, medicine, medicine, yeah, yeah, yeah!” She is a goof ball.

By Wednesday, my throat was killing me and I was feeling pretty lousy. I have so much going on at work so staying home again was not an option. I also had my 16 week doctor’s appointment for baby bean that morning. Everything is on track. The baby has a strong heartbeat (160) and he/she had the hiccups while listening to the heartbeat. We scheduled our 20 week ultrasound appointment for next month and we’ll (hopefully) finally learn if Leah is going to have a brother or sister. I was able to get through the day, but I was SO tired when I got home. I put on my PJ’s and was in bed by 7:30 pm. Rob was great and took care of Leah so I could go get some rest.

That night, my sore throat turned into a nasty, nasty cough that ended up keeping me up for at least 4 hours during the night. It was awful. I couldn’t sleep. The cough seems to be its worst at night and has continued since. I am hoping it will wind down soon. This baby is probably wondering what the heck is going on! It really stinks not being able to take anything to make me feel better. I had to sleep in the other room because this cough has been keeping me up for 2 hour chunks at a time. I didn’t want to keep Rob up too. Today I am feeling pretty good (besides the raspy manly voice I have going on), but I have a feeling this cough is going to rear its ugly head when I am trying to go to bed tonight. Rob is gone for the next few days for work, so I am riding solo taking care of my little girl. It is almost 4:30 pm in the afternoon and we are still in our PJ’s! It has been one of those kind of days!

My goofy girl in her jammies!

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