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Sunday, November 6, 2011

A Little Picture Crazy

The other night, I pulled out Leah's baby photo albums and a big box of pictures that I had not yet organized. I realized I had at least 2 photo albums worth of pictures that I still needed to put in age order and add to her albums.  When I finished going through the pictures, labeling and putting them in the books, it occurred to me that I have not had any pictures printed in a long time! Posting pictures on Facebook and on my blog make it easy to forget to go back and actually get them printed out. The pictures I just organized ended with Leah's 8th month and I didn't have anything beyond that. Hmm - Leah is almost 21 months old, so that means I have 13 months of memories sitting on my hard drive. I knew it would not be an easy task, but I pulled out my computer and began going through all of my pictures. It's crazy to say, but we have about 10,000 pictures on our hard drive. After all was said and done, I ended up ordering 652 pictures from SnapFish. I know it sounds a bit absurd, but I really whittled it down. SnapFish had a great deal that you could order 300 pictures for $3.00. I ended up doing 2 orders, so I paid just over $6.00 for my prints and then of course had to pay for shipping (which ran me about $25). It is my goal to get them put away when I receive them in the mail! I really want to try and stay on top of Leah's albums so I don't fall this far behind again. Here are a few of the pictures that I came across that are some of my favorites!
After I finished ordering all of the pictures, I was feeling pretty ambitious and pulled out Leah's baby book. I cannot remember the last time I recorded any information in it! When I started flipping through the pages, it appeared that I had not made any updates since her first birthday (9 months ago). I stopped recording her in-coming teeth at 7 months, I stopped recording her immunizations in April 2010 (when she was 2 months old - yikes) and I don't have any record of her height and weight after her first birthday. Luckily, I have written things down here and there or made mention of her milestones on my blog. I went back through all of my notes and tried to get her baby book as up to date as I could. Hopefully when Leah is older, she will appreciate this book and enjoy going through it. My mom was always great at recording every single milestone I reached. She kept strands of my hair from my first haircut, my first tooth that I lost and ALL of my art projects I think I ever did. I do have a collection of Leah's projects that I hope to hold onto for a long time too! I think my blog will be a great keepsake too that we can both look back at together. I found a website online where you turn your blog into a hard cover book. I think I might try to do this once a year.

Today I continued to be in the organizing "spirit" and decided to tackle our Christmas cards. I mentioned in a previous blog posting that I was disappointed with our family photo shoot a couple weeks back. There wasn't one picture that I was excited about that we could use for our Christmas cards. So, today we took things into our own hands. We grabbed our own camera and headed over to Cantigny Park. I know we are far from professional photographers, but I am tired of spending gobs of money on pictures when I usually end up being disappointed. It was a little cool this afternoon, but we spent about an hour running around Cantigny. Leah had a blast and we were able to catch a few good shots. I was able to get my picture for our Christmas Card (which I did not post below). By the end of the day, Leah did not want any more pictures taken of her and she was sure to tell us this! We came home and I went through all of the pictures. I went online and uploaded a few pictures and got my Christmas Cards ordered! Although we didn't actually do too much this weekend, I do feel like I got a lot accomplished!

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