There is a group of us at work that all had babies right around the same time as each other - all of the kids are just a few weeks/months apart. Vaughan was born in November (2009), Ryan was born in January (2010), and Emily was born in February (2010) just 8 days before Leah. We did get the kids together once for a playdate last year and decided it was time to do it again. The kids were little last time so they didn't really get to "play" together. Now that it is a year later, we thought they would be more interactive! We met at Kids Town in Wheaton at 10:00 am to let the kids play. It was so fun! Kids Town is great for little ones their age. There is so much to do. The last time we were there, it was so crowded, but today was nice because there were not so many kids. Leah loved spending time in the "Vet's Office," the "Princess Palace" and "Kitchen." All of the rooms are themed and are super cute. I didn't feel like lugging our big camera with me today, so I ended up using my iPhone for pictures - not the greatest, but they still turned out good.

Leah enjoying time in the kitchen
Leah loving the fishies
Vaughan looking for her baby
Leah and Ryan working on some puzzles
Leah doing her laundry - wish I could get her to do this at home
Vaughan playing
Emily being silly
Sweet Ryan
Vaughan and Leah cooking in the kitchen
Climbing in the play area
After playing for a while, two of my coworkers decided to leave for lunch - so we said goodbye to our friends. Leah and Vaughan weren't quire ready so we stayed back and let the girls play for another hour or so. They had a great time. After playing we all worked up an appetite so we decided to go grab lunch too. We went to Panera and had a bite to eat before calling it a day! Leah was pooped and ended up falling asleep on the way home. We had so much fun today and can't wait to do it again!
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