If you know my husband, you know he is a total tech junky and has to have the latest gadgets and newest technologies. So when the iPhone 4S came out last weekend, it was no exception and he for sure had to have it. Over his lunch hour at work he ran to the store to wait in line for the newest Apple iPhone addition. I thought he was crazy. He got home from work and I am pretty sure he showed his phone more attention than he did his own family. Downloading this, setting up that, talking to "Siri", figuring out the iCloud - he was in heaven. Personally, I don't get into all of this high tech hooplah. Every two minutes, he was telling me to look at this, or showing me some new cool feature. I'll admit, I was a bit intrigued by this personal assistant "Siri." It was pretty cool. He would ask her a question or make a statement and she would answer - no matter how ridiculous it was. He'd say, "Siri - I am hungry" and she would pull up a list of restaurants in our area. He'd say, "Siri - I am drunk" and she would pull up a list of cab companies nearby. He thought it was so funny and kept on with the questions and every time she would have some sort of reaction. I am pretty sure Rob stayed up late playing with his phone. All I know is I went upstairs and he didn't come to bed for quite awhile.
The next day Rob kept trying to convince me that I needed the new iPhone 4S too. I currently have the iPhone 3 and am perfectly happy with it. I don't have any problems and it works just fine for me. He continued to show me different things it could do and persisted this was something I needed. The new phone is $200 and I could think of a lot of ways I would rather spend "my" money. Then he proceeded to tell me he would buy it for me. Sold! And that is how I got my new iPhone 4S. Saturday afternoon we drove over to the Verizon store and picked up my new gadget. I have been a longtime AT&T customer and I was about to end our 11 year relationship. We moved to a family plan. My Dad also has Verizon so we will add him to our plan too. I discovered that my work offers discounts from Verizon so we will get 20% off our bill and all of our activation fees were waived. We also get a discount on accessories so I got a sweet new case too. After a while of playing with my new phone, I think I've grown to love it. While we were eating dinner tonight Rob told me that he can't wait for the iPhone 5 to come out. Geez - I can't keep up with all of this technology. I'm envisioning I'll have this phone for the next 5 years.

Leah loves the new iPhone too! She was talking to Siri earlier too.
Lori - I love your play on words in the title! This is a really cute and clever post. Congratulations on the new technology - it sounds very exciting!