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Monday, July 4, 2011

4th of July Weekend

Happy 4th of July! I am bummed we have to go back to work tomorrow. It’s been a fun, busy weekend. The weather has been the nicest it has been yet this summer. I am not complaining but it was a little on the hot side. Rob was home all week with Leah (since I had been in Vegas for the first part of the week). On Friday, since he was home he took Leah to the pool. By the time I got off of work, I met them there around 4:30. They were there with Lisa and the kids and Amy her family happened to be there too! They had a great time. We decided to head home and go grab something to eat. We are still being sensible about what we eat. We ended up at Gordon Biersch at the Promenade and then called it a night.
Saturday was HOT, HOT, HOT! We made plans to go the Eyes in the Skies festival in Lisle. We walked around for awhile and had some lunch. Leah was pretty miserable since it was so hot. She was soaking wet with sweat and I think beads of sweat were running into her eyes. She did not like that one bit. We decided it was time to go. We came home and took a family nap. It was much needed! By the time we got up, it was late in the afternoon, but there was still plenty of daylight left. We went back to the gym to get some more pool time in. Leah had a blast!

On Sunday afternoon my Aunt Carol was having a BBQ at her house. After Leah’s nap we ran a few errands and then headed over there. It was fun. We spent a lot of time outside and Leah burned off a lot of energy. We stayed for a few hours and came back to our house. We took another family nap. Man – I wish we could work these into our regular work weeks! It’s amazing what an hour can do! We bummed around the house for awhile. I finished reading the book I started on the plane to Vegas. We were undecided what we were going to do for fireworks – if anything. We ended up watching Plainfield’s fireworks over at the high school. Leah loved them and I am glad we took her. After each firework, she would yell “Pretty” and “Wow.” She was too little for fireworks last year so I was happy that she sort of got into them.

Today we didn’t have much going on. Leah shocked us by sleeping until 8:30 am. This is SO unlike her. She is usually up by 6:30 since I have to wake her up at that time during the week for work. We were lazy this morning but decided to make a trip the zoo. Surprisingly it was not very crowded. We were only going to stay for a little while. I took her for her first ride on the carousel at the zoo. She seemed pretty indifferent about it. She didn’t seem to love it, but she didn’t hate it either. We decided to take her to the dolphin show too, which she really seemed to like. Leah has seen the movie “Finding Nemo” about 5 times now. Every fish she sees is “Nemo.” When she saw the dolphins she kept clapping and yelling “Nemo, Nemo, Nemo.”  It was pretty funny. After the show we stopped at the gift shop and saw they had little “Nemo” pool toys so we picked up a set for her. She hasn’t put it down since we got home. After the dolphins, we had lunch and then made a stop at the children’s petting zoo. This is always by far, her favorite part of the zoo. Here are a few pictures from our zoo trip today.

After the zoo we decided to hit up the pool. It was hot outside and a dip in the pool is just what we needed to cool ourselves off. Leah always has such a great time at the pool. She loves the water for sure. We dunked her a few times to see how she would do going underwater. It did not seem to phase her. She didn’t hate it and acted like nothing happened. She has a problem with closing her mouth though. We told her several times to close it and she would, but the second we went to put her under – it was wide open. We’re working on it. We stayed at the pool until about 4:00 and by then it was way past Leah’s naptime. I put her down for about an hour and a half before waking her up. (I do want her to be able to go to bed tonight!) We grilled out for dinner and took a long walk afterwards. No fireworks for us tonight. I am all about kicking back and relaxing the rest of the evening! Happy 4th of July everyone!

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