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Sunday, June 5, 2011

Five months ago today….

This weekend was very relaxing. We didn’t have a lot going on and it was very low key. On Friday, when we normally would be out to dinner and having a few drinks, I was getting a work out in at the gym! Of course with the weather being so beautiful, I would have preferred the former over the latter, but it made me feel good. I made it to the gym on Saturday morning too. I’m proud of myself that I’ve been able to stick with it. Rob has been doing excellent too! He’s been much more active and we’ve both been eating healthier. We did a big grocery shopping trip this weekend and stocked up on all sorts of healthy foods. We went to Caputo’s – all of their produce, deli and meats are so inexpensive and good! We’ve grilled out almost every night. Tonight’s dinner was grilled chicken kabobs. They were d-lish! It was a Weight Watchers recipe and only 6 points. (I started following Weight Watchers again to help me track everything I am eating).

This weekend, Leah said her first full sentence that made sense. I don’t know if it was a fluke or a one-time thing, but I told Leah I loved her and she said, “I love you too.” Rob was standing right there too and we both looked at each other because her sentence was clear as day. She‘ll usually throw two words together like “Mommy, here” or “Sushi, no” but this was the first time she put together a full sentence and used it at the appropriate time. She also has started telling me when she has poop in her pants. Sometimes if I am not around her and don’t smell her right away, she’ll come up to me and say, “Mommy, poop. Mommy, poop.” She’s also mastered all of her body parts and has been able point to them for the past month when we call them out (head, hair, ear, teeth, etc). She is such a smart cookie!

I also started cleaning out Leah’s room this weekend. Holy cow – this little girl has lots of stuff. I packed away all of her winter clothes and things that are too small for her. When we have another baby, I am sort of hoping for another girl – otherwise I don’t know what we are going to with all of her clothes! I’d love to get another use out of everything.  I was sad when I was folding all of her little pants, shirts and jammies and packing them away. Everything is so small and just reminded me that my baby is growing up. She’ll never be that size again!

Five months ago today my mom became an angel in heaven.  At times, it seems longer, but then other times it seems just like yesterday. We still miss her every day and think of her often. I always wonder what it would be like if my mom never got sick. How would all of our lives be different? I think of the things we would be doing. I know my dad especially, wishes everything was back to normal. I know my dad is still hurting, but I guess that is to be expected. I can’t even imagine being married for 35+ years and then losing the one you’ve been with more than half of your life. Leah and I stopped at the cemetery today to see her. Every time I ask Leah where Grandma is, she automatically points up to heaven. I used to have to do it with her every time I asked, but now she does it all on her own.

I hope everyone had a great weekend! Here are some shots from ours!We spent a lot of time playing and being outside.

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