Happy Thanksgiving! I have so much to be thankful for this year. I am thankful for my wonderful husband and my two beautiful, healthy babies. I am thankful that my Dad is still considered cancer free, even though he is still on the road to recovery from his surgery. I am thankful for all of my family and friends. I am thankful for all of the memories I have of my mom. I am thankful that I have a great job and a roof over my head. There is still plenty more to be thankful for!
This year, we hosted at our house. It was a great time, we ate too much food and everyone took home leftovers! We had turkey, ham and all of the fixings. I hardly took any pictures at all!! I at least wanted to get one of the kids together.....but, nope.

Rob was going back and forth if he was going to go out for Black Friday. There were a few deals he was interested in, but nothing over the top. He was pretty tired so he went to bed. He woke up at 1:00 am and decided to hit the stores. He met up with his brother Randy who was already out and about. He made a stop at Toys R Us, Kohl's, Best Buy, Home Depot and a few other places. He did knock a few things off our list! He also wanted to get a Christmas tree from Home Depot that was a doorbuster for $59. He waited in line but was able to get it. What a huge disappointment! (Later in the day we took it out of the box and there was NOTHING to it. It was the skimpiest tree I've ever seen and looked nothing like the picture). Needless to say it went back to the store. Looks like we are stuck with our old tree for another year. Our tree isn't bad but I'm ready for a new one!
The tree gave us a good laugh!
Rob came home around 5:30 am. When the kids got up I wanted to go to Babies R Us. I always go there for their diapers and wipes on Black Friday. Diapers are $10 a case and wipes are $5 a case. It's our time to stock up. I was just going to go by myself but Rob couldn't sleep so he came with us. A There was absolutely no one in the store! Afterwards, we went to Toys R Us. Even though Rob had already been there, I wanted to look around too. I did pick up a few things. We also went to Sports Authority. We ended buying an elliptical machine! It was a great deal, but still pretty pricey. We've wanted to get one for a long time, I just wasn't planning on getting one so soon! We decided it will be your Christmas present to each other and we won't do anything else. It will be delivered on Tuesday!! I really need to get my butt moving! Our last stop was Carters. The whole store was 50% off and if you shopped by noon, you got an extra 10% off. Also, you were able to use a coupon if you had one (which I did of course!). I got lots of stuff there!
We came home and hung out the rest of the afternoon. We did make a quick trip to the mall later in the day. It was packed!!
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