I hope everyone had a Happy Easter! Our morning festivities began with Leah coming down stairs to see if the Easter Bunny had hopped over to our house early in the morning. To her excitement, he did and he left her some special treats and surprises! The first thing she saw was a pretty Disney Princess Tent! Cousin Annabelle has a similar one that Leah loved so I put in a good word to the Easter Bunny. She opened up the door to the tent and discovered her Easter Basket that was filled with candy, toys and other fun things! Leah immediately wanted some candy so she had some jelly beans. After spending some time exploring her basket and playing in her “house,” we told her it was time to start looking Easter Eggs! She had a good time running around the house looking for eggs, but I think she’ll enjoy it even more when her baby brother Mason will be here to participate too! The Easter Bunny hid about 20 eggs (some were filled with candy). Every time Leah found an empty egg, she would say, “Momma, this egg empty – why??” Whenever she found an egg with candy she would stop what she was doing, shake it and say, “I need to eat this candy.” By 8:30 am, this little girl was on a sugar high!

Leah just coming downstairs in the morning
Leah checking things out!
Some of the "hidden" Easter Eggs
Running to find more eggs
Leah is just getting over pink eye, so her eyes look a little glassy.
After our early morning fun, it was time to get ready for the day. This year, we didn't really have any plans so I didn't get Leah a fancy Easter dress like I have the past two years. I put her in a casual pink cotton dress and it looked super cute on her! We were meeting my dad for brunch at Emmet's Brewery in Downers Grove. (My brother and sister-in-law just had the baby so they weren't doing anything for Easter). We had some time to spare before we needed to leave so we did a quick photo op.
We've been taking "belly bump" pictures of my tummy and Leah always tries to imitate me!
I love this little girl more than words can express!!
Leah and her daddy! She is such a daddy's girl
23 weeks pregnant....16 more weeks to go before we can meet sweet baby Mason!

My dad hasn't been feeling great, so we were going to play the morning by ear to see if he would be up for joining us for brunch. Luckily, when I called him he was feeling pretty good and wanted to meet us out. We offered to just go to is house and hang out, but he was up for going out. (Thank you to everyone who has continued to express concern and support for my dad. He is hanging in there. Treatment has been extremely tough and has taken a toll on his body. He has lost all of his hair, but remains in good spirits. He only has 4 more radiation sessions left, which he will wrap up this week and then 3 more chemo sessions, one time per week over the next three weeks. He'll then have a few weeks off and the doctor's will perform additional scans to make sure the tumor has responded to treatment. If all has gone according to plan, they will schedule surgery to have it removed. So hopefully, he'll have the surgery towards the end of May. Then after surgery, if necessary he will have a few more rounds of chemo and then hopefully be cancer free!) Brunch was okay - I wasn't completely impressed with the food (or the price). It was good to spend time with my dad. He brought Leah a little Easter basket with even MORE candy and fun little toys. Leah was on her best behavior during brunch, which made for a happy mommy!
After our bellies were full, we said our goodbyes to my dad and then Rob, Leah and I headed to the zoo! (Going to the zoo would have been way too much for my dad). It was a beautiful day outside and we couldn't wait to soak up some of the nice weather! Leah LOVES going to the zoo. She is finally at an age where it is really fun to go! The zoo wasn't too crowded, which made it a perfect afternoon. We only stayed for a few hours since Leah was going on no nap. She told us she was ready to go, so we left!
Leah navigating the zoo map
We always have to make a stop at the Children's Zoo - she loves the goats
Such a beautiful girl!
The goat was biting her coat! She said, "Goat....don't bite my coat."
She could spend all day here
Leah fell asleep as soon and we left the zoo. She had been such a trooper all day! We went home for a little while and then stopped over by Rob's mom's house. Rob had picked up Brandon. It was his birthday (on Saturday) so we had gotten a cake and wanted to celebrate with him. Leah got even MORE candy for Easter. She will probably be on a sugar high for the next week! After spending some time there, we decided to head home. We were all tired. Leah put on her PJ's and decided to hang out in her princess house with her iPad for the next hour (at least we know she loves it). She put a pillow in there along with her blanket and was content!
Overall, it was a long, busy day! We had a great Easter spending it together as a family! I hope everyone enjoyed their holiday too!