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Saturday, September 14, 2013

Mason is 14 months old today!

Time is flying and I can't believe Mason is 14 months old today. It seems just like yesterday that we were celebrating his first birthday! It's been a while since I've done a Mason update, so I know I am a bit behind. Mason doesn't go back for a well baby appointment until 15 months, but when I took him for his one year appointment, he was a big kid. He weighed a solid 25 lbs (75th percentile) and 31 inches long (90th percentile). I am sure he has grown since then! Mason has 8 teeth (with more coming) and transitioned off of formula (two months ago) and drinks regular milk. I am slowly trying to get him off of the bottle. He calls out for it and needs one before bed. We are working on it. My boy used to eat 'anything' but has become a bit more picky. There are certain foods that he does not like - chicken being one of them. If I slip it in his mouth, it comes right back out. He used to gobble up vegetables, but now will only eat a select variety. He does still love his fruit though.

Mason continues to be vocal. He has a set of core words that he says (probably around 10 or so). He has 'mommy,' 'daddy,' 'catch,' 'throw,' 'Leah,' and 'down' nailed. He loves loves loves to play with any type of ball. He can entertain himself by throwing it and quickly chases after it. (That's actually what he is doing right now while mommy writes this blog). He also absolutely loves his cozy coop car. He will hang out in it and enjoys getting in and out. We'll often take him on a walk with it and just loves the ride. My sweet boy is not yet walking, but I have a feeling that it will be soon. He walks like a pro when I am holding his hand and can manage 5 steps on his own before tumbling down. Leah walked right around 14 months too.

Overall, Mason is a pretty happy little dude. He does have his crabby moments, but generally he is laid back and content. He is not as big of a snuggler as my little lady, but I'll take what I can get from him. Mason is still a great sleeper and we've never really had any issues in that department. He goes down easy and is happy when he wakes up. Usually, I can keep him in his crib for a while before having to go get him. He'll lay there and play with his pillow pet and talk to himself. Leah adores her little brother and would be lost without him. They make a great team. I am so happy they have each other!

 Fun at Key Lime Cove
 Such a happy guy!
 First Merry-Go-Round Ride at Great America
 All tuckered out from a weekend of fun!
 My super hero!
 Mase and his buddy Spider Man
 Arlington Race Track

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