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Friday, December 14, 2012

Mason is 5 months old!

Happy 5 months to my little Masers (December 14th)! He continues to bring us so much joy to our family. We don’t have a ‘well-baby’ visit this month, but will take him in for his 6 month check-up next month. I weighed Mason myself at home and my little guy is up to 17 pounds (according to our regular scale). He still drinks 6 ounces of formula at each feeding, but now he has cereal and fruit or veggies twice per day day (once in the morning and once at dinner). He gobbles it up and really seems to like sweet potatoes and bananas. He has upgraded to a size 3 diaper and has completely outgrown his 3 month size clothes. He is wearing all 6 month size now.
I think he is finally starting to turn a corner with the acid reflux. Over the past couple of weeks, we’ve noticed an improvement in him and he seems to be a lot happier. Thank goodness!  The doctor had said once he was on food, we may see a difference. It looks like he might be outgrowing it. He was pretty miserable for a while. I can’t imagine the pain he was in. We still give him the medicine for acid reflux, but there are times we’ve forgotten to given it to him before bed and he did just fine without it. I think eventually, we’ll start to wean him off of it to see how he does. Mason is not rolling over yet (on his own). I checked Leah’s baby book and she hit that milestone at 4 ½ months old, so hopefully he will be shortly behind her. We practice every day. Mason can sit up by himself (with a little support) and I think he will be able to sit on his own in the next few weeks. He loves sitting in his bumbo chair. The jumparoo continues to be a place of contentment for him too.
Mason is usually wiped out and ready for bed around 7:30 pm or 8:00 pm. He still sleeps through the night, but he has started getting up pretty early. Sometimes it is 4:30 am and other times it is 5:30 am. On a good day, he doesn’t get up until 6:30 am. Usually when he wakes up, I’ll give him a bottle and then he’ll go back to bed for another hour and a half or so.

We are looking forward to the holidays and are so happy Mason is here to celebrate with us! Mason also has his baptism coming up in January. We have lots to celebrate and so much more to be thankful for. We recently heard the news of the tragedy at the Newtown, CT elementary school. I am heartbroken and so sad for the families and the innocent children. We’ve been praying for everyone and can’t imagine the pain the parents feel. I came home and hugged my babies a little tighter. Tomorrow is not promised and we should never take any time for granted.  

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