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Monday, October 8, 2012

Mama went back to Work

My gig as a stay-at-home mom has come to an end! Today was my first day back at work. What a day! Mason has been sleeping amazing, but this morning he decided it was time to get up at 4:15 AM. I fed him a bottle and by the time he was finished, it didn't leave me enough time to go back to sleep. Mason went right back to bed though (which was good). I laid in bed and watched TV for a little while before getting in the shower. While I was doing my makeup Leah woke up crying at 5:45 AM. This is way early for her. She came in my bed and watched Mickey Mouse Club House. At least she was in a good mood. I got MJ up and dressed at 6:30 AM. I gave him a quick bottle and we were out the door before 7:00 AM. I did snap a quick picture of Mason on his first (full) day of daycare!
Drop off went okay - there were no tears! (I remember with Leah the tears wouldn't stop flowing the whole way to work). Of course I was sad but it was a little easier this go around. I know he is in good hands! Big sister Leah also is there to keep an eye on him. I stayed for a few minutes and then was on my way to work. Today was Columbus Day so traffic was great! I was able to get to work by 7:45 AM. It felt so weird being back at work and walking in the doors! I did have 'welcome back' signs all over my desk which made me feel better.
I know my team is glad to have me back. I had so many meetings and was just so busy! I barely had time to think! I did check email during my entire maternity leave, but there is just so much catching up and work to be done. I did call daycare a few times to see how Mason was doing and thankfully he was doing great. I did get a text with a picture of my sweet boy.
Lunch was the highlight of my day. I ate with a few of my coworkers and my boss. I didn't leave work until almost 5:30 PM. What a long day. Being back at work is definitely going to be an adjustment. At times I wish I could stay home with them all the time. I know they say the grass isn't always greener on the other side but I missed my babies SO much!! I got home around 6:00 and my sweet husband had a nice turkey sandwich waiting for me on the table. Yep - I had a nice cold beer with it too. It was just one of those days! I spent a few hours (2 to be exact) with Leah and Mason and before I knew it, it was time to put them to bed. And, I get to do it all over tomorrow! I sure hope this gets easier!

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