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Saturday, December 24, 2011

Two Weeks Behind

Wow - where has the time gone! I realized I haven't written a blog in almost two weeks! The past few weeks have been pretty rough and I haven't had the opportunity to share what has been going on with us. In my last posting, I mentioned my Nana passed away on my birthday. It was a very sad day and it is tough to know she is not physically with us anymore, especially with the holidays upon us. While we were still grieving the loss of my Nana, we received news that Grandma Zettek passed away just 4 days later. She too had been fighting the good fight for a long time. My Grandma had dementia and it finally got the best of her. She lived in Oklahoma and although I didn't see her as often as I would have liked, it was still very sad to hear the news. This was a bad week to say the least, especially since it was so close to the holidays.

Then on top of that, during the week my dad had been complaining of pains in his upper right chest/shoulder area that would run down his back and right arm. I told him to call his doctor immediately. He said he would call if it got worse. It did get worse so he did call his doctor. His doctor instructed him to go to the Emergency Room right away because it could be very serious. He spent about 7 hours in the emergency room. They did blood work, chest X-rays and a CAT. They didn't really find anything and could not find the cause of his pain. They wrote him 2 prescriptions and released him. He was still in pain so he had to go to his primary doctor and get referred to another doctor that can take a further look at all of his test results. They think he might have arthritis in that area. He has several follow up appointments in the next couple of weeks.
 In the meantime, we were making arrangements to fly down to Oklahoma for my Grandmother's funeral. My Nana here was being cremated and had expressed she did not want any type of funeral arrangements. My Aunt Carol had a small memorial at her home to honor my Nana. Unfortunately, due to the timing of my other Grandma, we were not able to be there. I felt awful. My dad flew out to Oklahoma on Friday and my brother and I followed on Saturday. (Rob and Leah stayed home, which is a whole other story to blog about how he had to play the role of Mr. Mom for 4 days)! It was a long weekend and the reason for going was sad, but it was still great to see all of my family. I was able to see about 10 of my cousins and it was nice to spend time with them. We got home on Tuesday, the 20th. The rest of the week has been a blur, I’ve been so busy between work, getting ready for the holidays and the regular day to day things – these past few days have been crazy. I did find time to spend time with my girlfriends to do our annual holiday dinner at Coopers Hawk. There was 12 of us and it was wonderful and nice to see everyone. Daycare was closed on Thursday and Friday so I had Leah home with me. We ran around finishing up last minute errands and shopping.
Friday (yesterday) was Rob’s birthday. Poor guy gets screwed every year. We had so much cooking and cleaning to do that we didn’t really officially celebrate his birthday. He got presents and we tried to make his day special, but we didn’t go out and do anything fun. We will officially celebrate his special day on Monday. Hopefully in the next few days I will be able to post pictures and share the details from our holidays! My family is coming over today to celebrate Christmas and I can’t wait! Happy Holidays everyone! As usual, we are definitely missing my mom this weekend, as it is our first Christmas without her. We love you mom! Hopefully Nana and Grandma are up there celebrating with you now!

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