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Sunday, December 11, 2011

A New Angel in Heaven

Yesterday was my birthday, so I am another year old and another year wiser. I really don't feel 32 though. Thank you for all of the birthday wishes! My family sure made me feel special all day long. When I came downstairs in the morning, there were suprises waiting for me on the counter. Roses, sweet treats and presents! Rob and Leah made me breakfast and I didn't have to lift a finger. Later in the morning, I came across Rob doing Leah's laundry. Wow - it really must have been my birthday! I've never seen him take the initiative to do her laundry all on his own without me asking! In the afternoon we met my Dad for a birthday lunch at Carriage Green Country Club. We then also made a stop at the cemetary to see my mom. It had been a few weeks since I have been there. My Dad bought a mini Christmas Tree and pine blanket to cover her grave. It looked very pretty. I sure miss her.

The rest of the afternoon we ran some errands and spent some time hanging out at home. For the past few weeks Rob has been bothering me asking me what I wanted to do for my birthday. He suggested a nice dinner or a night on the town, but I opted for a casual dinner with my family. It was perfect. As we were getting settled into the car to head home, I got the phone call from my dad. The call that informed me that my Nana had just passed away. It made me really sad. She had fought the good fight for a long time. She surpassed the doctor's inital predictions, but she was finally called home. The only thought that makes me happy is to know that my mom will now be reunited with her mom. My Nana was a strong and wonderful woman and I was very close to her growing up. She had the inate ability to make each of her grandkids feel special in their own way. I will cherish all of the memories. She will be truly missed. I love her and glad that my mom now has a familiar face up in heaven. My Nana passed away on my birthday. I wonder if it happened this way for a reason. My mom gave birth to me on this day and on this day my Nana left to go be with my mom again.

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