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Monday, September 19, 2011

One day down....

One day down......four more to go! Today was the first day of my busy week. Rob can't get home soon enough. Here is our low down of our first day. Rob left the house around 4:00 am to catch his 6:00 am flight. At 5:00 am our crazy dog started barking and running around our bed and woke me up. She jumped off the bed and darted for Leah's room. Leah sleeps with her door shut and Sushi frantically started scratching (LOUDLY) at her door - why....I have no idea. Two minutes later - baby is up crying and won't go back to bed. I go get Leah and bring her into my bed so I can jump in the shower. But before I do, I run downstairs to quickly let Sushi outside. It is raining and she hates going out when it is wet. I let her run around for a bit, not watching her to see if she takes care of business. I let her back in the house and go back upstairs to take a shower. While I am in the shower, Leah comes busting through the door and greets me as I am washing the shampoo out of my hair. I tell her to go back to bed and she takes off running out of our room laughing. I quickly finish up, throw on a towel and go chase after her. As I look to find her, I smell something. I gaze around our loft area and then I spot it. Two large turds and a circle of pee are waiting for me right in the middle of the room. Darn dog! I just let her outside. Ugh!!!

I grab Leah, run back downstairs and got some carpet cleaner and proceed to pick up Sushi's mess. By now, it is 5:30 am. I place Leah back in our bed, cover her up and turn on the Disney channel. She seems content. I put on my makeup and all is good. Just as I start to blow dry my hair, I glanced over at Leah just in time to see her rolling off of our bed. Sure enough, she hits her head on the nightstand on her way down. Waiting for her to start screaming, she surprisingly bounces right up and tells me "Momma, I okay. I okay Momma." I scoop her up, give her a kiss and put her back into our bed. Luckily I was able to finish getting ready with no further incident. I get Leah and bring her to her room so I can get her dressed for the day. Leah is on this new kick where EVERYTHING is scary. Taking a bath is scary, going to bed is scary - you get the picture. (I don't know if it is a phase, but my coworker Ashley said she is going through the same thing with her daughter). Anyways, I took off her pajamas and tried to put her shirt over her head. Leah kept stopping me and was saying, "No - mommy. I scared. It scary mommy." Oh man - I don't have time for this! Finally, I was able to convince her that is not scary and we were able to get her clothes on.  We headed downstairs for breakfast. Leah ate her pancakes and we were on our way.

I dropped Leah off at daycare at 7:00 am. Traffic was horrendous and I did not arrive to work until almost 8:20 am. By this time, I had already put in 3 hours before my "real" day at work even began. With the morning I had, I could already tell how this day was going to play out. It was filled with back to back meetings and I had so much to do. It was non-stop and was definitely a busy day! My last meeting ran a little over and I got a late start to go get Leah. Luckily, traffic on the way home was much more managable and I was still able to pick Leah up on time. We came home and it was a race to get dinner ready. (By the time I get home, I have a hungry little girl on my hands). I whipped up some mac and cheese and life was good...according to Leah. I was able to catch a quick video of her while she ate. I tried to upload it from my phone and I was unsuccessful. I posted it to FB though. I thought it was pretty cute.

After dinner, we played and spent some time together. Around 7:00 pm it was Leah's bath time. Of course as I was trying to put her into the tub, she gave me the whole "I am scared" routine. I plopped her in and pulled out her toys and somehow the scariness disappeared. We spent some time splashing around and Leah enjoyed herself. She really likes taking a bath, so I know for a fact she is not scared. Hopefully this passes.....soon. We got her jammies on and spent some quiet time relaxing on the couch reading books. I looked at the clock and it was 8:15 pm - time for bed at last. Leah was ready and didn't fight me going down!

Ahh - finally, some mommy time! Can't wait to do it all over again tomorrow! Four more days!!

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