I now have a one and a half year old on my hands! Leah turned 18 months yesterday. How did that go by so fast? I guess I should be gearing up for the terrible 2’s! When I got home yesterday, we celebrated her 1.5 year milestone with pizza and cupcakes. I also got her a balloon that she carried with her all over the house!
After work today I took Leah for her 18 month well-baby check. She hates going to the doctor, (especially after last week when she had croup and needed to get some x-rays done). At today’s appointment, she cried almost the whole time yelling for her Mommy even though I was holding her in my arms. She cried the second she saw the doctor. Little Leah weighed in at 25 lbs even (61st percentile) and is 34 inches tall (97th percentile). She is a tall girl! She did get one shot today too.
At 18 months old, Leah’s vocabulary has continued to expand and she is probably saying well over 100 words. We stopped counting. Today the doctor asked if she is saying at least 4-10 words that we can understand because that is the average number of words a baby her age would say. Leah is so smart (I know all mom’s think their kids are smart – so I am no exception). Leah can say all of the kids names at daycare and says them to the appropriate child. She is one of the younger kids there and she tries so hard to be like the big kids. She follows the older girls around and wants to be involved with whatever they are doing. Luckily for her, they seem to like having her around! She is also pretty funny - sometimes if I make her do something that she doesn’t want to do or don’t give her something she wants (i.e. go to bed, tell her bath time is over or not give her a cookie), she’ll occasionally say, “Mommy, you MEAN!” (and emphasizes the word mean). It definitely tugs at my heartstrings to hear her call me mean, but I know it is because she is not getting her way….but she does always use the saying at the right time which I give her credit for.
Leah is polite though and says “please” (pease), “thank you” (tank you), "bless you" (bess you) – again at the appropriate times. It melts my heart when she says “Thank you mommy” in her cute little pint size voice. She can be a little stinker too and knows how to play the system. When we returned from our vacation, it was pretty evident she was “mad” at us for leaving her. I was expecting her to be over the moon to see us and be attached at our hip. Nope – not the case. She wouldn’t come by us and was being crabby. It made me sad and I felt really guilty that we left her for 5 days. The next day she finally warmed up and was back to her cuddly self. I love it when she puckers up her lips and plants a big kiss on me.
Over the past couple weeks Leah has been telling me when she has pee pee or poop in her diaper. I know it is probably a bit early, but we went and bought her first potty. We thought we could introduce the idea to her and keep it in the bathroom for when she is ready to try it. She was "carrying" it all around the house this weekend. She hasn't "gone" on the potty yet, but she has sat on it to test it out.
She is also already turning into a little diva. I was getting her dressed the other day in a cute jean dress and she was fighting me the entire time as I was trying to get it on her. She was purposely holding her arm down, making it stiff as a board so I couldn’t get it through the arm hole. She kept saying, “Mommy – I don’t like, Mommy, I don’t like.” Tough – she wore the jean dress that day.

I think Leah also has her first crush. Our daycare has an 8 year old son named Nate. She is mesmerized by him and talks about him all of the time. The other night during her bath she was saying, “Where Nate? He at home? Nate at home Mommy?” Then first thing the next morning she was asking me again and has continued to do so almost every day. When she sees him, she says "NATE!" Leah often makes a fool of me too. I always tell people how much of a talker she is and how funny she is, but whenever she seems to be around someone new – she freezes up and is quiet is a mouse! My dad and daycare can vouch for her!
The past year and a half have brought us so much joy and amazement. I can’t imagine living life any other way. Leah has been the biggest blessing and we love that little girl to pieces! Happy 18 months Leah!