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Wednesday, January 1, 2014

2013 Recap - Ready for 2014!

We had a nice low-key New Year’s Eve celebrating with a few of our friends and all of the kids. It was perfect. We didn’t quite make it until midnight, but that is ok. Both kids slept in today until 9:00 am! This morning we went out for our traditional New Year’s Day breakfast (because of course, my diet starts tomorrow – ha!).
2013 was quite a year, but I am ready to bring on 2014! The year was busy with its ups and downs, highs and lows, many accomplishments, milestones and memories. Both of my kids had big years and I couldn’t be more proud of them. My two little blessings are what have kept me going all year! They are my world and I am so thankful for them. My sweet Leah turned 3 years old in February and started preschool (which she loves). I think 2013 has been the one to show the biggest changes in her. She’s gone from a toddler to a real kid (I am a little sad about it). She has really come out of her shell and her personality has blossomed. She makes me laugh all day with the things that come out of her mouth. She is wise beyond her years. She has recently started telling me knock-knock jokes and she thinks they are so funny. She is a cuddle bug and I LOVE it. During the year, Leah has learned to write her name, ride a big girl bike and has become just much more self-sufficient all around. She loves being a momma’s helper and is such a great big sister. She loves Mase more than anything. Leah is finally sleeping in her own bed in her own room by herself. Leah surprises me on a regular basis. She had her first ER visit in August, which scared her mommy to death. She had to get 3 stitches and she was one tough cookie. I think it was harder on me than it was on her. Leah had her first dentist appointment this year too. I was dreading the appointment, but once again, she surprised me and handled it like a champ. She actually enjoyed it. Leah loves to play board games and can be pretty competitive. She's been in gymnastics all year and really enjoys it. Over the year, she’s kept her friends and made some new ones too. Leah has grown into a polite, caring and smart little girl. There is so much more I could say about her and all the things she has done this year to make me proud. 

Now onto Mason. Where do I start with Mason? He essentially is the complete opposite of Leah and keeps me on my toes every day. Mason turned one in July and we had a big barnyard birthday party for him, with ponies and a petting zoo. He can be characterized as a typical boy. He is a curious, loud, adventurous, fearless little guy. He can be whiny and challenging, but at the end of the day – I wouldn’t trade him for the world! Mase hit many milestones this year. He started crawling around 8 months, but didn’t walk until he was 14 months old. He is quite the talker and does have a pretty extensive vocabulary. He repeats everything you say. Although other people may not be able to understand him, I know what he is saying and what he wants. He loves to be silly and chases his sister all around the house. I think Mase is going to be into sports. He’ll watch football/hockey/baseball on the TV and will play with any type of ball. We took the kids to their first Bulls game a few months ago and he was pretty into it. Mason had his first haircut a few weeks ago too, he is starting to look like such a little boy. He wants to be much more independent then he is actually ready for (i.e he wants to charge down the stairs….but he doesn’t know how to do it safely yet, he wants to play board games but annoys his sister when he destroys the pieces). Mason is more reserved on his affection for his momma (although he is getting much better). He is not the snuggle bug that his sister is, but I take whatever I can get from him. He is a great sleeper and consistently sleeps 11-12 hours each night. Mason is my special little man and I can’t wait to see what 2014 holds for him. He makes me smile at least 50 times a day.
For me, it’s been a hectic and challenging year and I’ve just been working hard to balance it all. Being a full-time working mom definitely comes with its challenges. I’m stretched in so many different directions on a regular basis, I am constantly shifting gears (I am not complaining). I crossed over to the world of owning a mini-van. Earlier this year, I traded in my Jeep for a brand new Chrysler Town and Country. Honestly, I actually love it. It has helped make my life easier. Also, I was promoted at work in August and I have taken on a new exciting role with a much larger span and scope of responsibilities. I am very fortunate for all of the opportunities I’ve come across and the faith my leadership has in me. I am doing my best to be a good mom, wife, friend, daughter, sister, and whatever hat I need to wear at any moment. I didn’t quite accomplish all of my resolutions I set for 2013, but I did do a pretty good job with most of them. Instead of setting resolutions for 2014, I am really just going to focus on making myself better, taking time for me, being the best mom I can be to my angels, treat others how I want to be treated, nurture the relationships that are important to me and not take myself so seriously. Yes, I have goals and things that I want to accomplish but by doing all of those things, I know I’ll be able to succeed in 2014!Overall, I’ve learned from all of my experiences this year (good and bad, personally, professionally and everything in between). Each experience I’ve faced has helped shape the person I am today.

- I've learned that I am strong. So much stronger than I ever thought I was.
- I’ve learned that hard work does pay off.
- I’ve learned that I do need to take time for ME.
- I’ve learned that I don’t give myself enough credit for everything I have on my plate between home, work and everything else that demands my attention.
- I’ve learned a lot about my values and morals and use them to guide me down this path of life.
- I’ve learned that even though my mom has been gone for almost 3 years, she is still very much with me every day.
- I've learned that forgiveness is not for the weak, that it's an attribute of the strong.
- I've learned that sometimes people are not who you think they are. And that certain people will come into your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime.
- I’ve learned that some friends really are family that you choose. I’ve been very fortunate to have a few rock-solid friendships, which I cherish.
- I’ve learned to focus more on my blessings than my burdens.  
- I've learned that I'm still a work in progress. That there is always room for improvement, and that I'm nowhere near perfect.

I hope everyone has a great 2014! You are in charge and it is all what you make it.

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