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Friday, June 14, 2013

11 Months of Mason

Happy 11 months to my little man. Only one more month until I have a one year old. Yikes! It is sad that he is not my little baby anymore. I occasionally look at pictures when he was a newborn and can’t believe how big he has gotten. He is changing by leaps and bounds. He has accomplished a lot this month and hasn’t missed a beat. Shortly after my post from last month, Mase took off crawling and hasn’t turned back. He is always on the go. This kid is all over the place and I can’t keep up with him. He is now starting to pull himself up and wants to be independent. He actually loves to sit and play by himself with all of his toys. He doesn’t need constant attention (although his sister is always in his face). He is just the sweetest/cutest thing.

Mason continues to grow at a fast pace. He is in 18 month size clothes. The 12 month stuff is getting too tight. I am constantly buying him clothes to wear. Leah was always true to size. When she was 12 months old, she wore a 12 month size, 18 months when she was 18 months, etc. Mason is off the charts. This little boy loves to eat and it makes him quite happy when he has a plate of food in front of him. He is not a picky eater at all (hopefully he stays this way). He does not discriminate between fruits, veggies, meats, pasta – he loves it all. He has started not wanting his bottle as much, so we just recently tried giving him Vitamin D milk (versus the soy formula he has been on since he was born). He has done okay with it. We’ve also been giving him sippy cups too. He’s has had more teeth come through. He has a few ‘bubbles’ of what looks like new teeth that will be breaking through soon. Poor guy. Last week he learned to shake his head back and forth when we say, “No, no, no!” He is so cute. He has also picked up on how to play peek-a-boo and is continuing with his babbles!

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