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Thursday, February 14, 2013

7 Months of Mason

Not only is today Valentine's Day, but it is also Mason's 7 month birthday. I can't believe I am actually writing about him being 7 months old already! Rob is out of town today, so Mason is my little Valentine. Not too much has changed since last month, but he is continuing to grow and get bigger every day. We don't have a check-up until he turns 9 months old, but it is my guess that he is around 19 or 20 pounds. He learned to hold his own bottle last month and has been feeding himself (which is very nice). He still take 6-7 ounces at each feeding. He is taking less bottles and eating more food (cereal, fruits, veggies and meats - baby food). Sometimes you can't feed this kid fast enough. He sure lets you know if your speed is not up to his standards. He is very vocal! He enjoys eating mum mums. We've tried giving him cereal puffs again, but he still doesn't do very well with them.

I've noticed that Leah hit her milestones earlier than Mason has and that is okay. I am just observing the differences between the two of them. By 5 months, Leah was fully sitting up on her own and by 6 months she was pulling herself up standing. Mason is 7 months and isn't quite sitting up on his own yet. He can sit up for about a minute before he tumbles over. He is getting better every day. I've heard that they usually just 'get it' one day and will start doing it. When we try to stand Mason up, he doesn't put much weight on his legs yet either. I know all kids are different and hit milestones at different ages so I am not concerned. He is rolling over (and over and over) like a champ. (He has that nailed)! He loves to play with his toys and is constantly grabbing for objects. He is a VERY happy little boy and smiles when you just glance at him. He melts my heart.

Mason continues to be a good sleeper. I think he is actually improved since last month. He still goes to bed around 7:30 pm and doesn't wake up until I have to wake him up in the morning around 6:30 am. On the weekends, he usually sleeps until 7:00 am, which is great!He is growing like a weed and is almost out of his 6 month size clothes. He is still in a size 3 diaper, but those are starting to get a little snug. He babbles all day long and I swear he has said mama. I love this little guy and just want time to slow down a little bit!
Love this guy's smile!

Momma takes way too many pictures of me.

Leah insisted that Mason wanted to look through her baby book with her.

Playing around on the floor.

Flowers delivered to me at work today from my family for Valentine's Day!

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