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Friday, March 15, 2013

Mason Turns 8 Months!

My little monster Mason is 8 months old!! He is getting soooo big! I can’t believe in just a few months he is going to be one years old! Woah! This past month has been an exciting one for Mase Man. He finally is sitting up all by himself! It took him awhile to get here, but he is doing it. He has gotten so much better with his coordination skills too. He can now also successfully pick up little pieces of food and put it in his mouth. Before, he was like an ogre using his whole hand to grab at things. He couldn’t get the concept of using his two fingers to pick things up and move it to his mouth. He has it nailed now! He eats puffs like a champ (which is a huge improvement from last month) and has also tried yogurt melts, small pieces of pasta, cut up chicken nuggies and bread. He can’t get enough of that stuff. He seems to want the bottle less and the ‘real’ food more. He only has 3 bottles a day. The rest of the time it is cereal, fruits, veggies, and mum mums. We are slowly going to introduce other foods to him too. I’ve tried giving him a sippy cup and he did pretty good with it.

Mason is a big little dude, probably topping the scales around 20 pounds. We bought him a walker last weekend and his little feet don’t touch the ground yet (and it is on the lowest setting). He likes sitting in the walker and playing with the activity center. Leah loves to push him all around the house. He is starting to put weight on his legs and will stand when we hold his hands. He loves laying on the floor and grabbing his feet. He giggles and smiles all the time. Baby giggles are the best. He is wearing 9-12 month size clothes, but still wears a size 3 diaper. He continues to babble and says mamamama, dadadadada, babababa and other variations. Leah swears that he says her name, but I think it might be a little too early for that. He has learned to 'click' his tongue and does it often. If you do it to him, he does it back to you with a huge smile on his face. It makes me laugh.

I can say I am truly lucky how great of a sleeper Mason is. He has been going down even earlier now (around 7:15 pm) and sleeps for a good 11+ hours. He has been teething lately, but it hasn’t bothered his sleep schedule. He likes to be all snuggled up in his bed with his blankie (which makes me nervous sometimes).

The kids will be back into their regular routine soon. My daycare’s maternity leave is coming to an end!

Mason is 8 months old!

My little guy eating Chicken Nuggies for the first time 
So happy! 

Sitting up like a pro! 
Wearing his first pair of shoes!

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