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Thursday, February 28, 2013

February in a Flash!

OMG - where did February go? This was a hectic month and I didn't get to share much of it on my little online space here! So....where should I start?

Earlier in the month, my daycare and friend Melissa finally had sweet baby Evan! He was born on February 4th. She wasn't due for a week and had planned to work up until her delivery date. Evan had other plans! Melissa had called early Monday morning and said she had been having heavy duty contractions and was heading to the hospital. Later that afternoon, her little angel arrived!  We were thrilled for her and her family! This meant Leah and Mason would be transitioning daycare sooner than planned. My good friend Jenny was willing to watch the kids for me during her maternity leave. Jenny has two boys - one that is 3 and another that is 5. Jenny also watches another little boy full time, and another little girl on a part time basis. On the first day that I dropped them off, I was a bit worried about Leah. (I knew Mason would be fine - he is such a laid back little dude). Leah on the otherhand, is painfully shy and I knew her world was going to be shaken up since she would be out of her comfort zone. Luckily the adjustment went pretty smooth and things are going good! Leah clicked with the kids rather quickly and finally opened up. Jenny sure keeps them busy! She sends me pictures all throughout the day showing me the different activities she has them engaged in. Leah has been enjoying her time over there!

First day at Jenny's - having fun coloring 
Lunch time with G
Protecting her little brother
Sorting bears with Greyson 
Pipe cleaner fun! 
Such buddies!
Dot paint! 
Cutting with scissors 
Playing with noodles 
Happy Guy! 
Fun with the boys! 
Painting time! 
Snack time! 
Valentine's Day

I did take a week off of work to be home with the kids to spend time with them and to also give Jenny a break. We had Leah's birthday extravaganza the weekend just before (which I did have time to blog about), so it was nice to have a little break. My time home was pretty uneventful. We got to sleep in and be lazy in the morning. We met Melissa out one day for lunch so Leah could see her best buddy Teagan and spend a little time with baby Evan. Another day, my dad came and picked up Leah for the afternoon. He took her to Chuck E. Cheese and to McDonald's. My Dad doesn't get to do that kind of stuff to often, so I know they both enjoyed the time out.
During my time home, I also took Leah for her 3 year old checkup. This little girl was terrified to go to the doctor and was so nervous the whole way there. She must have told me at least 20 times that she didn't want to go to the doctor and she was scared. She associates the doctor's office with getting shots. Luckily for her, there were NO shots at this appointment. My little peanut did awesome! She was a little weary when the doctor told us we had to take off all of her clothes. She was not happy about that. Everything checked out good. My princess is 38 inches tall and weighs 33 pounds. Pour Mase had to get his 2nd dose of the flu shot. He was not a happy camper.

In this midst of the craziness of life and work, I have also gone back to school. I am taking these prep classes for a benefits certification which is equivalent to the CPA, but in the HR world. It is a series of 8 exams. You have to pass all of the exams to obtain the overall certification. So right now, I am taking a 10 week prep course for the first exam. It is Wednesday nights from 6:30 pm - 9:30 pm, which really bites the big one since I don't get home until about 10:30 pm. If anyone knows me - that is past me bedtime! So in addition to 3 hours of class at night, there is tons of reading and homework that I need to do during the week too. Womp, womp, womp.....for me. Seven more classes and seven more exams to go (provided I pass this one!)! This is a huge committment and it will probably take me at least 2 years to complete. 

Other than that - I can't believe February has come and gone! Hopefully March will allow me more time! Come on spring!!!

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