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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

First Solo Mission

It is definitely a lot more work taking care of two kids now and at times it can be a bit challenging. I was not exactly thrilled when Rob told me that he had to go out of town for three days for work. He left the house yesterday morning at 5:00 am to catch his flight to Ohio and my first solo mission officially began. I guess this is gearing me up for the week long business trip he needs to take in September. (Luckily, I will still be on maternity leave. It would have been much harder if I was back at work and needed to do everything on my own).  I will be happy when Rob gets home on Wednesday.

Leah still goes to daycare on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays which is a big help to me. After I dropped her off yesterday, I came home to get myself and Mason ready. I had my 6 week follow-up doctor's appointment. Usually, Mason is so good when we are out and about (he usually just sleeps), but yesterday was a different story. He cried almost the whole time we were at my appointment. The nurse popped her head in during my time with the doctor and volunteered to walk him around the office to help calm him down while I did what I needed to do with the doctor. I did let her take him and he did stop crying. My doctor said that happens all of the time and not to worry. It stressed me out though. After my appointment, I had made plans to stop into my office to see some coworkers. Luckily, Mason was much better when I went into work. I was there almost 2 1/2 hours and he did pretty good. We had lunch with 2 of my good friends and then spent some time visiting with everyone else. I miss everyone at work, but I can't say I miss the work :) My maternity leave is half over and it sure has gone by fast. Six more weeks and I will be back at work. I am going to try and enjoy the rest of my time and not get too sad about it.

After my work visit, I picked Leah up from daycare. We came home and Mason was in a really good mood. He was a happy little baby. We all spent time playing on the floor. Mason got some tummy time in, which he doesn't seem to mind at all. It was pretty relaxing at home for the time being.
Typically, between 6:00 pm and 8:30 pm things can get a bit hectic around here so I was not looking forward to doing the night time routine by myself. Dinner time, play time, bath time and bed time all occur during this two and a half hour window. Although it may not sound like a lot, it can be tiring. Mason is still little and can be pretty needy. I feel like I am always feeding him, burping him and changing him. Leah is pretty self-sufficient and is a good helper. While I am tending to Mason's needs, she plays great by herself. I felt like I never sat down to breath last night. I was always doing something. The night was a bit challenging. Mason only sleeps for 3 - 3 1/2 hour stretches. I was up with him 3 times for 30 minutes each time to feed him. Leah also woke up twice during the night crying (of course after I had dozed back to sleep after I put Mason down). This is very unusual for her, but I think with her recent transition to her toddler bed she is used to having her Dad in the room with her. Last night, she was a big girl and slept all by herself. The morning came way too quick!

Today has been good so far (besides being tired). I have both kids home with me today. It's noon and we are all still in our jammies having a lazy day. Mason has been good and Leah is being a total goof. She can definitely entertain herself. She put on a magic show, played house and played with her playdoh. I think I might join the kids during nap time today! I could use it! Only two more days to go!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on conquering your first solo mission at a mama of two. I give you credit - dinner and bedtime is not easy with two kids ALONE but especially when one of them is a tiny little newborn. Hang in there, friend!
