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Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Four Months of Mason

Four months! I can't believe little Mason is four months old already! I have already been back at work for 6 weeks. I am amazed at how quickly little man is changing, growing and learning. Mason is growing like a weed and is my little chunker. He is a solid kid with future linebacker potential! We had his four month appointment today. Everyone had to get shots! Mason received his scheduled immunizations and Leah and I both got our flu shots. Leah handled her flu shot amazingly! She didn't shed a tear and sat still the entire time. She then held my hand when I had to get my flu shot. She held Mason's hand too for all of his shots. She is so sweet! As far as Mason's stats, he weighs 15 pounds 9 ounces (66th percentile) and is 24.5 inches long (36 percentile)! At his last appointment, he was tall and skinny. Now he seems to be short and fat - ha! We saw my niece Alyssa the other weekend and she is 7 months old. My little guy is just about the same size as her (if not bigger)! I weighed Leah this morning and she is 31.5 pounds. Mason is half her weight! He drinks 6 ounces of formula at each feeding and averages about 32-35 ounces a day. We introduced cereal to him a few weeks ago and he did pretty good. We recently tried pears and he liked it much better than the cereal. He is still in a size 2 diaper, but at the rate he is growing, he will be in a size 3 in no time at all. His 3 month size clothes are beginning to fit a little snug.
Mason is the sweetest little thing and makes my heart melt. I just want to eat him up. He is usually pretty happy and laid back most of the time. His acid reflux does act up sometimes, even though he is on medicine. We talked it over with his doctor today and she feels that he is drinking too much formula. She wants us to begin giving him cereal and/or fruits and veggies more frequently. She feels that this will help him with the reflux. He does seem to have his 'canky period' at a consistent time each day though. Otherwise, he is all smiles and 'talks' to us throughout the day. Mason continues to sleep like a champ. He usually goes to bed around 7:30 or 8:00 and sleeps for a good 10-11 hours. It is rare for him to wake up during the night, although it has happened on occasion. He is a little bit more consistent with his nap schedule during the day now.
Mason is still not a fan of tummy time, but we still try all of the time. The doctor told us we need to be doing it 3-4 times a day for 15-20 minutes each time. We have some work to do! We pulled out the jumparoo to see if he would like to sit in it. He looks so small when sitting in it, but he enjoys playing with the toys and gadgets in front of him. Leah has to be the best big sister in the world. She loves her little brother so much. She constantly tends to his needs and is very protective of him. She loves to play with him, hold him, lay on the floor with him and give him hugs and kisses. It melts my heart seeing the two of them together.  
Happy 4 months Mason! We are so blessed to have you in our family.

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