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Saturday, January 7, 2012

Poo Poo (on the floor) and 1st Haircut

Last night Leah and I were laying in bed watching TV when she turned to me and said she had to go poo poo and she wanted to go on the potty. We haven't forced the issue so I was thrilled that she wanted to try to go potty on the potty. (She will usually tell me she has poop after she already went). She hopped out of bed and pulled my hand so I could follow her into the bathroom. Once there, she requested I take off her diaper and pants and she sat down on the potty. (Usually she will only sit on the potty when she has a diaper and clothes on). She then asked if I could take off her shirt because it was "in the way." So Leah sat her naked little body on her little potty and tried to go poo poo. She sat there for a few minutes with no luck. She jumped off the potty and ran into the linen closet to hide and then returned back to the potty and attempted again. Still no luck. She got up again and started walking toward the door and then it happened. Five little "droppings" came from her bottom and landed right in the middle of the floor. It caught me off guard and I said "Leah!!!!" I looked at her and I thought she was going to cry, but all she said was, "Mommy, I went poo poo on the floor." I cleaned up her mess and got her dressed. Even though she missed the target, I am still proud of her for telling me she had to go to the bathroom and tried. We'll keep practicing - afterall, it was only her first time. This morning when Leah woke up, the first thing she told me was that she went poo poo on the floor. The kid has a good memory!

After we got up and moving this morning we decided to head to Yorktown Mall. We had a few things to get/return and we wanted to get Leah her first haircut. If you've seen Leah's hair, you know it is crazy! It is usually all over the place. She has some cute little curls, but in the back it was starting to get long and was looking more like a mullet. She never lets me put it in any bows or put her in in a pony tail. The hair in the front was starting to hang in her eyes too so we knew it was time for her first haircut (even though she doesn't have a ton of hair). I wasn't sure how she would react to a haircut. We went to Snippets in the mall. It is a kid salon. It looked cute with an aqurium theme and bright colors. They offer a "First Haircut" package where they videotape the whole "event" and provide it to you on DVD. They also give you a certificate, a keepsake box for her hair and a bottle of shampoo. Leah seemed to like the place....until she got in her chair (taxi car) and the stylist tried to put the cape on her. Tears started rolling down her face and didn't stop until she was finished. She did sit in the chair completely still and did not attempt to thrash or move around. She just cried and continued to say, "mommy, mommy, mommy!" I felt bad for her because she seemed so sad. Once she was finished, we gave her a smoothie to cheer her up (which did the trick). Overall, it went okay and now we have a DVD to use as blackmail at her wedding. Ha!

Leah Before
Getting settled into her chair
Not a happy camper
Leah After

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