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Thursday, December 8, 2011

We've seen it all this year

My poor girl has been put through the ringer this year with various illnesses/issues. Earlier in February she had her first bout with the stomach flu. It was awful. It actually ran through our whole family. You feel so helpless when you can't stop them from getting sick. She couldn't keep anything down and lost weight. Then sometime in May, Leah had her first ear infection (which luckily has been her only one so far). In August, she had her first instance of croupe right when we returned from vacation. She had a horrible barking cough and cried because she was in pain. It broke my heart. Luckily the medicine they put her on helped pretty quickly. Towards the end of October Leah started out with a really bad cold and cough. She seemed to get better and then it would rear its ugly head again after a few days. After its 3 appearance after about 2 weeks I took her to the doctor come to find out she had pneumonia! She was still her happy little self though and never appeared to be bothered by it.

Then our most recent problem was her first case of pink eye. Ugh! We went to Navy Pier this weekend and I let her play in a kid area. I am pretty sure that is where it came from. She will never play in areas like that again (play areas in the mall, etc). I am sure there are so many germs flying around those places! Leah woke up on Monday and told me her eye hurt. It looked completely normal so I didn't think much of it. I took her to school like normal. Late in the afternoon, daycare called and said her eye was red and she was rubbing it. When I picked her up, her eye was looking better. But as a precaution as soon as I picked her up, we went directly to the Take Care clinic at Walgreens (since her doctor's office was already closed). They looked at her eye and said it looked like it could be pink eye, but couldn't tell for sure. To be on the safe side, they prescribed her some drops. We came home and gave her her first dose. Wow - she was not a happy camper. She wanted no part of it and was screaming as we tried getting the drops in her eye. My Dad ended up coming over and staying home with Leah the next day. She was in a great mood and her eye looked completely back to normal. She's been on her drops for over 2 days now. Even though it looks better, we still need to give her the drops for another 5 days. BOO!! It's pretty difficult to do it by yourself! This morning I had to fight her to get it into her eyes. Right after she said, "Mommy, I don't like you." I felt awful but we need to make sure she is better. When we were eating breakfast she told me that she felt much better. I am hoping this is the last issue of the year and here's hoping to a healthy 2012!

Yesterday Rob left work a little early so he could come home and relieve my Dad. I actually had dinner plans with two of my girlfriends so I met them right after work. Rob felt bad that Leah had been couped up in the house all day that he decided to take her to the mall.  While I was at dinner, I started receiving photo texts from Rob. They were pictures of Leah with a dog. I immediately started feeling stressed. Below are a few of the pictures he sent me, followed by our exchange of texts.
Rob's texts indicated that he bought a dog. We've talked about this in the past and I have made it extremely clear that I do NOT want another dog, especially a puppy. There were a few more texts exchanged and I basically told him he was ruining my dinner with my friends by telling me this. I asked him one more time if he was serious and then he never responded to my text. I was SO annoyed. I felt bad because I had been enjoying dinner with my girls and had become irritated. Getting another dog is the last thing we need. After dinner, I immediately called Rob on my way home and he didn't answer. I called him again and again and he still did not answer. By this point I was fuming because I truly believed he bought this dog (because I could totally see him doing something like this). He finally answered his phone on the 4th time I tried calling him. He continued to tell me he bought this dog and it just lit Leah's face up with smiles and he had to get it. He said they named her Lily. I was having a heart attack the whole way home. I pulled into the garage and ran into the house. Rob and Leah were hiding. Finally they came out said they were just kidding. Umm....yeah....that is my husband's sense of humor.

1 comment:

  1. LOL! That puppy story was hilarious...I know not for you though! The pictures of Leah are priceless!!!! Sorry it ruined your dinner. :( Hope Leah is feeling better!!!!!
